Friday, December 01, 2006

Walk the walk

Went swimming yesterday morning, first time for nearly a month and the body is starting to show for it. Much to my surprise I still managed to get my laps done without stopping (major achievement for me). Everyday I missed made it all the more harder to go again. The excuses start to mount up, then self doubt sneaks in and before you know it a month has flown by.

As I was crawling up and down the pool I got to thinking that it’s a bit like life, faith, love. We can have all the best intentions, I will pray, I will treat my partner and kids better, I will make time for that other person today, but somehow unless we actually step out and DO it, it just remains a good thought. And the longer we leave it the less likely we are to do it.

The old book say’s that faith without actions are dead, so as I dragged myself out the pool I once again resolved to try and practice what I preach and to try and “walk the walk”, not just “talk the talk.”



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