Saturday, May 06, 2006

A bit close to home

Yesterday while we were having our final lunch together the reality of where we were struck close as news came that there was a "crazed madman" running around with a knife stabbing people. As we learnt later the man, who had just got out of prison days before, and high as a kite from paint fumes had indeed stabbed and killed his mother, before going on to kill 2 other people, including a policeman, and wound 5 others before he was subdued and taken away. This was less than 100 meters from where we were and just a small block from the Barkers house. The story was front page of todays Bangkok Post. It was a stark reminder that when there is no hope people often turn to desperate messures to get through life. The night before I was with Anj and Ash at their home when at 10.30pm in came 4 scared kids who we had taken swimmimg earlier that afternoon. There was a fight going on at their home, with someone attacking someone else with a piece of wood.
Without a clear sense of call and hope for the future no wonder the "workers are so few, but the harvest is plentiful" Yet here God is present in amazing ways and his invitation to join him in the slums amongst the pain and hopelessness of peoples lives to some may sound like madness but to the God who constantly surprises us all, a real opportunity to follow.


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